Top Tips to Help You Save!
Make your home easier and cheaper to heat – and help prevent climate change too:
Turn your heating down by just one degree – it can reduce your fuel bill by 10%.
Fit a hot water cylinder jacket on your tank and insulate all hot water pipes.
Get an energy-efficient boiler – it can save £180 a year.
Insulate your home – your loft should have at least 250mm (10 inches) of insulation to stop heat escaping.
Use a draught-proofing seal on doors and windows.
Use low-energy bulbs – they’re cheaper to run and last much longer.
Draw the curtains when it goes dark to keep in the warmth.
Look out for the energy-saving logo when shopping for new appliances like washing machines or fridges.
Take a shower instead of a bath – it uses just a third of the water.
Don’t leave your TV and other electric appliances on standby – switch them off.
Making a brew? Only boil the amount of water you need – cuppas taste better with fresh water.
Switch off the lights in rooms you’re not using.
Save in the kitchen: put lids on saucepans and use just enough water to cover the food. Use a microwave for small meals. Defrost your freezer regularly so it doesn’t have to work so hard.
Find Out More…
Energy Saving Trust – Get more advice on saving energy.
How much energy do you use? – Check the running costs calculator (please note, we do not take responsibility for the accuracy of this calculator).
Help with Energy Bills
You may be entitled to payments and discounts to help pay your energy bills:
Help with Fuel Poverty – If you are struggling to pay your fuel bills or are at risk of disconnection, you may qualify for a grant of between £30 and £49, paid directly onto your pre-paid meter card. If you’ve had a grant in the last 12 months, you cannot apply again. See if you qualify for help with fuel poverty.
Warm Home Discount Scheme – If you are on a low income, you may qualify for this one-off discount on your electricity costs, usually paid between October and March. See if you qualify on the government’s website: Warm Home Discount Scheme.
Winter Fuel Payment – If you were born before 6 January 1952, you could get between £100 and £300 tax-free to help pay your heating bills. See if you qualify on the government’s website: Winter Fuel Payment.
Cold Weather Payments – You may receive a Cold Weather Payment if you’re receiving certain benefits and the local temperature is, or is forecast to be, an average of zero degrees Celsius or below for seven consecutive days. See if you qualify on the government’s website: Cold Weather Payment.
Whalley Range Climate and Environment Action info about reducing energy bills
I didnt know you could recycle that!