We are dedicated to improving public facilities within Alexandra Park.
Our Achievements in 2024:
- Funded the installation of two age-friendly benches outside the Café.
- Installed a new slide for the under-3s in the Children’s Playground.
- Opened the Park Information & Heritage Centre for public visits on 60 occasions, thanks to our volunteers.
- Launched a Gardening Group to renovate and replant several flower beds.
- Completed the setup of the Woodland Glade Tree classroom.
Our Plans for 2025:
- Clear the Lake and its banks of litter and waste.
- Move floating timber to the island to enhance the habitat.
- Improve facilities for feeding waterfowl on the Lake.
- Restore eroded Lake banks and replant suitable vegetation.
- Introduce new habitat types in the Lake and throughout the Park.
- Organise a variety of community engagement activities within the Park.